13 Foolproof Ways to Squash a Bad Day
How do you know if you need this list of 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day? Have you ever had such a terrible day that you just wished there was something you could do to change it?
No one likes having a bad day. Although it does make the good days even better.
That isn’t what we are talking about today though.
13 Ways to Squash a Bad Day
I have 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day! That’s right, 13 tips and tricks to turn that frown upside down.

And we are off, the first on this list of 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day is….. music!
For anyone that knows me at all, this is a given. I use music for everything. Every emotion has a type of music, something that either enforces that feeling or makes it better… sometimes worse if that’s what you are going for.
So it stands to reason that if you need to get yourself into a better mood, there is a type of music or specific song just for that!
If you need some recommendations, leave a comment and we can all help each other out.
Here is my ultimate list of songs by emotion.
Going right along with the music tip, dancing is a great way to raise those endorphins and start feeling better. I haven’t had a bad day yet that couldn’t be turned around by dancing.
You don’t even need anybody else, you can dance by yourself.
Turn on your favorite song, and go to town! Nobody is judging. Become that 90’s pop star you always wanted to be! Oh wait, was that just me?
Maybe dancing isn’t your thing. That’s cool.
You can get the same release of endorphins from working out.
Just a quick little workout would be fine. You don’t need to go to the gym for half the day to turn your day around. Just a few minutes would do it.
Get that heart rate up, move around a bit, go for a jog, lift weights, whatever you want. I know every time I do something physical, I feel 100 times better.
If you want some music to help with your workout, check out my list of the best songs to workout to.
Read a Book/Magazine
Not everything we need to do to squash a bad day is physical, there are some relaxing ways also.
Take a little time for yourself. Sit down and read that book that you bought months or even years ago and haven’t had the chance to get to yet.
No time for a book? No problem, grab a magazine you enjoy.
Reading transports you to another time and place. If you need to get out of your own head and life for a bit, reading something is the best way to do that.
And as long as you have the book at home already, it’s free! No need to buy a plane ticket anywhere. Crack open that book and you are off! Goodbye, bad day!!
Take A Bath
The next trick on our list on foolproof ways to squash a bad day is… take a bath.
Sometimes that bad day is just too much and all you need is a nice long warm bath. Light some candle, turn off the lights, warm that bathtub up and just let the day go.
Forget about everything that is going on for however long you are in there. There is almost nothing that can’t wait for an hour or so. Life will still be there when you are done. Go get some you time… you deserve it!
Guided Meditation
More relaxation to squash that bad day! Some people have a hard time meditating. They don’t know how, their mind wanders, you know, different reasons. I have good news! There is guided meditation.
Go on Youtube and look up any video. There are guided meditations for different things, anxiety, depression, sleep, relaxation… anything.
Pull up one of the videos, get comfy, and close your eyes. By the time you are done, you will be so relaxed, you won’t even remember you were having a bad day in the first place.
Here is a Short Guided Meditation: Release All Negative Energy & Worries on Youtube. It is a short 10-minute video, so it is quick and easy.
Gratitude List
This tip is quick and easy. Sit down for a few minutes and make a list, it doesn’t have to be long. Write down things that you are grateful for.
Try to make them specific, who isn’t grateful for food right? But maybe you are grateful that someone took the time to make you your favorite dessert, just because.
You can write down any number of things, just make sure you are truly grateful for everything you are writing down. This will melt away the negativity of some of the worst days.
We all know that clutter and mess just raises stress levels. So it makes sense that if you clean it, you will be happy, or at least less stressed.
And there are those people that love cleaning…. Like, legitimately love to clean. So in that case, decluttering and cleaning would turn around their bad day, just because they are doing something they love to do.
I wish I was one of those people. I would be less stressed.
Anyway, just clean something small, doesn’t need to be your entire house. Just a small area will do.
Clean up your desk, see how you feel after that. Maybe you still need a little pick me up, so clean another small area… Keep doing that until you either run out of things to clean, or you have successfully squashed your bad day!
Hug Your Pet
I would say to just hug any old animal, but that could get dangerous.
It is my experience that certain animals don’t like it when you squeal and try to love them. I don’t know why. But for safety reasons, make sure it is your own pet, or at least someone you know.
There is a reason that animals are used in all kinds of recovery and therapy programs. Their existence in our lives already makes it that much better.
So love those little furbabies until you can’t love them anymore…. And then love them more, and more… and more.
Go For A Walk
Something you can do with the above mentioned pet… go for a walk. Go around the block, down the road, whatever you like.
It gets you outside, into nature (sometimes) and doing a little but of exercise. Raising those endorphins, getting a little bit of sun, all of these things help to squash that bad day.
Be Spontaneous
Have a random urge to go do something? Go for it. A new restaurant open up that you have been wanting to try? What’s stopping you? When you are having a bad day, sometimes all you need to do is be a little spontaneous.
Being too scheduled and always knowing what you are going to do can make you stressed and cause anxiety.
So if you are already having a bad day, that is the last thing you want to do. Take a break from the schedules and throw something fun into your day!
Take the whole day, or just a little while, it is all up to you.
Go On An Adventure
What could be more effective at squashing a bad day than to pick yourself up, and going on an adventure?
It is a quick way to get out of your head for a bit and turn your day around. It can be a big adventure if you want it to be, or it could be something small. Go try out a new restaurant, or a new store.
Find a new park you can stroll around for a bit. Just get out and go somewhere for a bit. Who knows, you may even find your new favorite thing.
Unplug From Social Media
Being connected is awesome. You can keep in touch with people you grew up with, family, and even make new friends from all over the world. The price to that though, is you are also always connected to all the negativity.
There is a certain amount of stress that comes with always being “plugged in” to everything that is going on at all times.
If you are already having a bad day, the last thing you need to be worrying about is Karen and her perfect body on her 10th vacation this year in Bali.
Instead, try staying off of social media for 24 hours. It is actually pretty freeing.
There is something cathartic about not worrying about anyone else. Not caring what anyone else is doing, what they are eating or cooking, or who they are doing all of these things with. Just focus on your awesome self.
That Ends our List of Foolproof Ways to Squash a Bad Day
Well then, those are my 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day. I hope you were able to find something here that could help you out, even a little bit. Always remember that a smile is your best accessory.

Do You Have any Foolproof Ways to Squash a Bad Day?
If any of these tips helped you, or if you have any tips of your own to share, let me know down in the comments. I would love to hear from you. Who knows, maybe your idea could help someone else!
See you soon!