22 Brilliant Dollar Tree Resin Supplies You Need Today
If you work with resin at all or are thinking about giving it a try, you may already know how expensive it can quickly become. That is why I made this list of 22 brilliant dollar tree resin supplies you need today! There is nothing better than finding something amazing for just $1!
I don’t know about you, but I love the dollar store. You can really find some great things there for any kind of project you are working on.
And the best part? Everything is $1!
If you don’t have a Dollar Tree near you, fear not! You can buy stuff online here. You just have to order things in bulk.
I went to my local Dollar Tree recently, and noticed that the craft section was an entire aisle! They have so many new things that I can use and I am so excited!
Ok, so for the reason we are all here today, resin supplies!
You may be wondering what you can possibly use from the dollar store, and if it will really work. I can tell you, I have used most of what is on this list, and it works great.
So, let’s get into it!
I broke down everything into 3 different categories: storage, tools, and inclusions. These are kind of basic things everyone needs.

Hardware Storage Case

As with most of the items in this particular group, these cases can help you store all of your smaller objects. You can put different inclusions, small bezels, whatever other little knick-knacks you need to store in these boxes. And only $1!
Craft Storage Box

The same thing as the last one, these boxes are just a little cuter because they come in blue. They also have some different-sized sections inside. So it is a matter of taste, but either way, you can’t go wrong with these dollar tree resin supplies.
Craft and Bead Storage

Sure, you can use these for beads if you want… again, use them for any inclusions you have for your resin art. Put glitter in here, or even some paint… that comes in later.
Storage Drawers

These are a little bit bigger for your bigger objects. You can even store some small finished resin products like keychains or buttons. Whatever you decide to make.
Mix and Serve Containers

If it were me, I would use these for glitter. That way you can buy large bags of glitter and have an actual container to put it in. Just my opinion.
Sanding Sponge

We are now into the tools of the trade. Sometimes when you make something out of resin, you have a part that you have to sand… that is where this beauty comes in.
Sand Paper

This is another option for sanding your pieces. Same deal as the sanding sponge.

Sometimes you will need some tweezers to either pick something up, dig something out of somewhere, or place something down in just the right area. These tweezers are just what you need in your collection of dollar tree resin supplies.

For those of you that like to do resin pours and stuff like that… could you get any better than a canvas for $1? These would be great to use if you are experimenting with something. That way, you aren’t wasting a ton of money on supplies.
Detailing Scissors

These are great for cutting off those little bits of resin that run off your piece. I have these, and use them. They are great, and surprisingly sharp for dollar tree scissors.
Squeeze Applicator Bottles

You could use these to store your paint, or even if you want to put some of your resin in here for precise applications. Now, I haven’t used them for that purpose, so I don’t know how easy it would be to clean out of the bottle and tip. But for $1 it might be worth a try?
Paint Palette

I actually am super excited about this one. I would use this to either mix small amounts or resin and color, or for just my colorants. Put your resin dye into one of the spots and just take small amounts to color your resin slowly. I need to go back to the store and grab one of these.
Metallic Markers

I have seen many people use metallic markers for finishing off the sides of their resin pieces, usually coasters. These are a great addition to your dollar tree resin supplies.
Emery Boards

These are sort of like sand paper for your resin pieces. Emery boards work great for small areas and getting into small spaces.
Manicure Kit

These scissors in this kit work great for tighter areas because of the slight bend in the tip. The floral case looking thing around the scissors is also an emery board. You get 3 things for $1! What a steal!
Shower Curtain Liner

You need to cover your work space so it doesn’t get all messed up. This shower curtain liner can help you out.
Silicone Spatula

If you mix a lot of resin at one time, this spatula is for you. It is silicone and would do great at scraping the bottom and sides of the container you are mixing in to make sure you get everything all mixed together.
Measuring Cup

This is probably my favorite item on this list on dollar tree resin supplies. It is large, easy to use, and the coating inside the cup makes clean up a breeze. Even if the resin cures inside, it comes out super easy. If you only get one thing from his list, get this.
Crayola Washable Paint

Ill be honest, I’m not sure if this particular paint would work in resin, but for $1, maybe someone can do an experiment and see how it goes? Maybe I’ll do it. Stay tuned.
Prang Tempura Paint

Here is some more paint options to try out in your resin. You shouldn’t need a lot, depending on how much resin you are coloring. This bottle would last a while.

I love glitter. It is one of my favorite things to add to resin. Everything sparkles so nicely!! So if I can get glitter for a cheap price… sign me up!!!
Assorted Floral

Another winner here! Flowers look so amazing in resin. And the best part about these? You don’t have to worry about drying flowers. Defintaley worth a try if you need some floral for a resin project.

Alright ladies and gents, there we have it. My list of 22 brilliant dollar tree resin supplies you need today.
Aside from actual resin and molds, you have plenty of things here to get you started making some stuff.
All you need to do is get a little creative with your projects, and the possibilities are endless!
What kinds of things are you going to try to make? Can you think of something I didn’t list here? I would love to know about it. Drop a comment and let me know!
If you make something from Dollar Tree supplies, take a picture and tag me on Instagram so I can check it out, @ragtagjourney. Don’t forget to follow me while you are over there.
If you like to make stuff, check out my tutorial for a quick and easy DIY floral cloche, or this one about a tiny fairy wreath!
I also have an Etsy shop and a TikTok, Youtube channel, and a Facebook. It’s all Ragtag Journey, stop by, show some love and let’s get to know each other! I need some friends, so let’s go!
Until next time,