An Introvert’s Top 10 Things to do When you Are Alone
We all love hanging out with our friends and family, but sometimes we find ourselves with, well… ourselves. What do you do then? What kind of stuff is there to do when you find yourself alone? Keep reading to see an introvert’s top 10 things to do when you are alone.
A lot of the things we do as a group, or with other people aren’t really fun when you are alone.
Aside from solitaire, I don’t know of many other games that are fun alone, either. So what kinds of things are there to do?

Luckily, I am a very skilled introvert that actually loves my alone time. I thrive on it actually. So there is no better person to give you ideas on what to do when you are alone, except maybe another introvert…
So here we are, my top 10 things to do alone. The first few ideas I feel are pretty obvious, but I wanted to add them just in case.
I’m not sure how people that aren’t used to being alone think, so maybe they don’t know these are options?? I dunno….
Top 10 Things to do When You Are Alone
Alone, But Never Lonely.
We will start off with an easy one here. Reading. One of my absolute favorite things to do. And once you find a good book, you won't feel like you are alone once you start reading it.
Which, by the way, that can either be a good thing, or a bad one… maybe don't read scary books alone. I tried that, not fun for me.
Reading not only gives you the feeling of not being alone, but it can transport you to different places and times. It is really amazing once you find something you enjoy reading.
And for those of you that say you hate reading, well honestly you probably aren't here, because you wouldn't be reading this right now… but just in case… I truly feel that there is a book genre for everyone.
Try different things. Look at what shows you like to watch and try to find a book similar. Most shows these days are based on books anyway. Try the book that your favorite show or movie is based on.
I'm sure you will stumble into something you like, if not, there are still 9 other options on this list, so hold tight my friend!
Ever feel like you have been looking for the right story for yourself, but you just can't seem to find it? There is something specific you are looking for in a good book and it just isn't in anything you are reading? Why don't you try writing the story you want to read?
Chances are, if you want to read it, someone else out there does too. You can write anything you want, any style. Keep it for yourself, or post it online for others to read. It's up to you.
You don't even have to write a story. You cant write a screenplay, or in a journal.
Write a letter. Write whatever you feel like writing. Look at me, I'm writing this blog post, and I think I am nailing it! Go me!
Writing is something calming you can do when you are alone. It can also help relieve stress, depending on what you write, so that is a bonus!
Something else that is awesome to do when you are alone is clean. I don't know about any of you, but I hate cleaning when there is a houseful of people. I don't know why. But when I clean, I like to be alone, with music cranking.
I'm sure if you think about it, there is something that you have been meaning to clean or organize for a while. Maybe a garage, attic, room, or even just your purse… I mean, do you really need all those receipts in there?
If you find yourself alone with nothing else to do, maybe cleaning something can be a bit cathartic?
Being alone can sometimes make you feel lonely… go figure. Best way to combat bad feelings?? That’s right my friend, workout!
Get a little movement going, heart rate up, endorphins flowing… you will be back to your old self in no time.
Not feeling bad, but still alone? No problem, working out is great either way. Maybe you just don't like working out in front of others because you are self conscious. That makes working out while you are alone perfect! Try it out and see how you feel. I bet you will like it.
Halfway through our list of top 10 things to do alone, we find ourselves at meditation. It is kind of like the cousin to working out. While you can try to meditate with others around, being alone is the best time to do it.
Everything is calm and quiet, the best environment for meditation. Keep things silent, play nature sounds or some soft music, whatever helps you get into your meditation zone.
Don’t know how to meditate? Not a problem, there are tons of guided meditation videos on Youtube. I use them all the time when I am super stressed or having trouble sleeping. They are great!
Binge A TV Show
One of the best things to do alone is to curl up on the couch with your popcorn, comfy clothes and blanket and just binge watch a tv show. Something new or old, something you have seen before or maybe the first time.
Being alone gives you the chance to yell at that character for the millionth time about whatever dumb decision they are making… and you won't be judged or told to stop talking.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your show!
Make A Plan
Find yourself alone with nothing to do because you have already done the previous 6 items on our list? Lucky you, you can now make a plan!
A plan for anything you like. You can plan out a special day for someone, or with someone. You can plan a girls' night out, or even brunch with your best girls.
Plan a weekend getaway with someone special. Plan a birthday party or a wedding. Heck, it doesn't even have to be a real plan for anything. Plan a fake wedding… it could be fun.
You can even plan out what meals you want to have for the coming week. Anything is good. Plus, with no one around to bother you, you might actually be able to finish whatever it is you start…
Make A Vision Board
Some people call them vision boards, while others call them dream boards. Whatever you call them, they can be very useful when it comes to helping you reach your goals and dreams.
So, you find yourself alone and bored. You have a goal you want to reach but you don’t know how, nor do you have the right motivation to get you there. Don't you worry, you can make a vision board!!
Put anything you want on it. You can add pictures, quotes, phrases, anything that motivates you and helps move you toward that goal you have.
You have now just turned alone time into something productive. Congratulations, you are one step closer!!
Learn Something New
Only 2 items left on this list of 10 things to do alone. And one of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn something new. It can be something that is just knowledge, or a skill.
Ask yourself what have you always wanted to know about or know how to do. Look up some videos or tutorials. Turn this time alone into something beneficial for yourself.
You might even find your true calling in life. Maybe you were meant to be a famous dancer, but you will never know if you don't get up and go look up that video on how to moonwalk… go ahead, I'll wait here for you…
Give Back/Do Something For Someone Else
We have come to the end of our list. And I think I saved the most important one for last. When you are alone, why not do something super special for someone else?
It can be something easy like donating to an amazing charity or cause. It could also be nice to pay for the person behind you in line if you happen to be out somewhere.
And if you are feeling really charitable, you can always physically go somewhere and donate your time and energy to help other people.
There are plenty of places that love volunteers.
Spread the love.
So the next time you are alone, you can pick any one of these ideas to help you pass the time until you can get back out there with people. You can even pick more than one and really make that time fly.

So that was my top 10 things to do when you are alone.
Let me know if any of these ideas worked for you. Also, let me know if you have any other ideas. As I said, I am an introvert, so I find myself alone a lot. Maybe I can pass the time with one of your ideas…

Laura L Woodcock
These are great ideas and I do quite a few of those myself. One more thing I like to do when I’m home and by myself is yardwork. I love the sunshine and the feeling of accomplishment when I’m done with the project I set for myself.
Oh me too! Granted, I don’t really like cutting the grass so much. But I do like gardening. Planting things, pulling weeds. And then once I’m done I have something pretty and functional that I can enjoy.