diy faux terrarium with succulents

Epic DIY Faux Terrarium In Under 10 Minutes

What Is A Faux Terrarium

You may be asking yourself, “How do I make a DIY faux terrarium?” And thus have found yourself here…

Or you may be asking yourself, “What exactly is a faux terrarium?”

Also a valid question.

A faux terrarium is just what you would expect…. A terrarium, that is faux, or artificial. Mind blown, I know.

To break it down further, a terrarium is essentially a container of some sort that has layers of dirt, rocks and plant life inside.

You can use them to create a mini garden if you don’t have space for a regular garden. They are especially good for apartments, condos, or shared homes.

You are able to bring the outdoors inside just by making something as simple as a terrarium.

Why Should You Make A Faux Terrarium

There are plenty of people that can keep up with the living plants inside the terrariums and not kill them.

I don’t personally trust myself enough to do that with everything else I have to keep up with in my life.

So does that mean that I can’t have the beauty of a terrarium just because I don’t have the time to keep up with it?

Absolutely not!!

Hint: This is where the “faux” part comes in…

Use artificial plants instead of living ones. There are so many realistic-looking faux plants out there these days. And you can use anything you like that fits inside your container. It’s pretty awesome.

So let’s build a DIY faux terrarium!

How To Make It

Let’s get down to business… to defeat… wait, no. That’s something else.

Let’s make an amazing terrarium that will have all of your friends jealous and asking you, “Where did you buy that?!”

It will be our little secret.


First things first, you have to gather all your materials.

You need a container of some sort, and whatever you want to fill it with. You can use sand, stones, and moss… or any variation of those.

And obviously, whatever faux plants you want to use. Make sure they will fit inside of your container.

For my terrarium, I decided to use floral foam, to add a little variation in the height. Plus it gave me someplace to stick the succulents.

This is an optional step. You can skip it if you don’t have any floral foam or if you just don’t want to use it. I just like how it added a little more height and I didn’t have to use as many stones.

Ok, now you have your materials. What’s next?

Put it all together.

Let’s Make It

Start with your container, make sure it’s clean and ready. I found mine at Target for $20. They had a couple different sizes. But they seem to be really popular, so act fast if you want the one that I have.

The next thing I did to create this easy faux terrarium, was to cut a couple small squares of my floral foam.

I did this for a couple reasons. I wanted something to stick my succulents into so they wouldn’t move around too much. And I wanted to add so height so everything didn’t look so flat.

This step is optional. You can also add sand or dirt here in this step if you prefer. It’s all up to you and what you like.

Once you have your base layer down, you need to start adding some stones. I decided to go with black stones because I wanted that contrast of the black against the bright colors of the succulents.

Again, the choice is yours. You can get some glass beads or river rocks instead. Pick something that fits the décor and style you already have in the room you will be putting this terrarium in.

Looking good so far!

Now we need to take this terrarium up a notch. Time to add your moss.

You can add as little or as much as you like.

For mine, I just wanted a little touch of the moss here and there to accent the succulents. But you can totally cover the bottom of your terrarium in moss if you want to.

I have seen some terrariums like that and they are beautiful. So moss it out, girl!

The time has now come to add those awesome looking faux succulents to the party.

I looked for succulents that were in the same color family but had a pop of color. I also mixed up the leaf type to add a little interest.

And lastly, I mixed up the sizes. You don’t want them all to be the same size… unless that is your thing, in which case, go for it.

Just fluff and move things where they look the best. Make sure everything is where you want it.

And voila!!! It is done!

Super easy, right? In less than 10 minutes, you created a statement piece for your home.

This would also make an amazing gift for someone. Just make sure that if you are going to ship this, you glue everything… and I mean EVERYTHING down. You don’t want anything moving around.

Here is a video of me making this little masterpiece, in case you are a visual learner like I am.

So, what do you think?

This DIY faux terrarium is amazingly easy to make. And you can do it in under 10 minutes!

If you like these sort of boho style DIY projects, I also have a post about hand-painted feathers you should check out.

Leave a comment if you can think of any other cute things to add to a terrarium. Maybe someone else would love a little inspiration.

Also, make sure when you create your amazing new terrarium, you share it with me using #ragtagterrarium. I would love to see your creations!!

Until next time,


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