Drop-dead Gorgeous DIY Floral Pumpkin Topiary

If you are looking for the perfect outdoor fall décor, look no further than this DIY floral pumpkin topiary. It is completely envy-worthy and super easy to make! Read more to find out how to create your own.

Fall is my favorite time of year. The weather gets cooler, pumpkin everything starts to come out, and everything just feels amazing. Granted, I live in Florida, so it doesn’t get THAT cold, but it’s at least not 400 degrees most days.

So, living in Florida, I don’t get all the traditional fall things that people in northern states do, so I try to find ways to fake it. What is the best way to do that? Fall decorations!!

One of the most iconic fall plants that I think of is always mums. Any time I see fall pictures, I always see mums. So of course, I fell in love with them. But I had to figure out how to get them in my yard…

Then, I stumbled across a post on Southern Patio. It was a version of a DIY floral pumpkin topiary with mums. Cue the Hallelujah Chorus.

I knew immediately I had to make one of these. So that is what I set out to do.

DIY Floral Pumpkin Topiary

Mine has a couple of differences from the one in the article, but I love it so much!

Instead of a whiskey barrel, I decided to get gray pots in various sizes and create more of a fall scene. I really wanted to add a punch with this.

I also painted my dollar pumpkins so that way it isn’t Halloween specific. You can just turn them around after Halloween and have a fall decoration with cute painted pumpkins!

When I designed this topiary, I knew that I wanted it to have a clear Autumn feeling. I wanted to use Fall-themed plants that were all in the same color scheme. As I was shopping, I basically kept asking myself if I thought I would see this plant in a garden in the Haunted Mansion because that was the feeling I wanted it to have.

You can design this however you want. At the end of this post, I will have a list of all the plants I used as well as some other ideas if you want to go for the same kind of look and feel.

So let’s get it going! On to the tutorial!

Supplies List

Here’s What You Need To Make Your DIY Floral Pumpkin Topiary

  • $1 pumpkins from Target, Walmart or some other store
  • Large 20′ pot
  • 6′ garden stake
  • Potting soil
  • Mums
  • Plants of your choice
  • paint

Additional supplies

  • 12″, 8″, 6″ pots
  • Drill
  • 3/4″ and 7/8″ drill bit (I used a spade drill bit)
  • Baking soda


diy floral pumpkin topiary supplies

Gather your supplies. I decided to do not only the pumpkin topiary but also 3 other pots that I could put around the topiary to sort of tie everything together and make it feel a little more full.

You can do this if you want, or just the DIY floral pumpkin topiary, it is entirely your choice.

dollar pumpkin craft

Drill a hole into the bottom center of each pumpkin. I used a 7/8″ spade drill bit so it has a slightly loose fit so extra water could easily drain out of the bottom.

Don’t forget to add a hole with the same drill bit to the bottom of the 20″ pot in the center. You need a place for the stake to go through and into the ground.

I used the 3/4″ drill bit on the bottom of my pot and it wasn’t quite big enough, I ended up splitting the pot a bit just to get the stake through, so I suggest going for the larger size.

Alternating left and right sides, drill a hole into the top of the pumpkins, where the handle used to be. I used a 3/4″ spade drill bit so the fit was a bit tighter on the stake.

paint dollar pumpkins

Now it is time to paint the pumpkins. For this step, I sprayed a layer of white spray paint over the pumpkins so the orange wasn’t so noticeable. After that dried, I grabbed the purple/gray paint I picked up for this project.

Side note here, I decided to go with a purple/gray color to complement both the plants and pots that I picked out. I literally grabbed different paint ships, went to the garden section of Home Depot, and ran around putting paint chips up next to every plant I bought and pot to make sure the colors went well together.

I also bought 3 samples of the paint color I picked not knowing how much I would need to paint 5 pumpkins… the answer was 1. I didn’t even use all of that one.

As for the paint color, in case you were curious… it was Behr Camelot

I then added some baking soda to my paint and painted on two coats, letting each one dry before I moved on.

The baking soda creates a ceramic look on the pumpkin when the paint dries, and I absolutely love it! If you don’t know how to do it, here is a video for you, you can thank me later… In the comments. Don’t be shy.

Figure out where you want your topiary to be and set your pot there, once you get all of this put together, you won’t be able to move it so put it together where you want it to stay.

Also, once you get your pot in the spot you want it, take your stake and push it through the hole you made in the bottom of the pot and push it down at least a foot into the ground. Leave enough space to hold all of your pumpkins, but make sure there is enough in the ground to hold everything still.

I live in Florida and we can get some pretty bad storms, especially in the Fall, so I wanted to make sure that thing wasn’t going anywhere.

Next step in creating this magical DIY floral pumpkin topiary… adding soil. Get good potting soil for whatever types of plants you choose to get. I accidentally got garden soil and didn’t realize it until after I used a bag and a half, so hopefully, it won’t matter too much. Fingers crossed right?

Time to stack those pumpkins!

Make sure you start with whichever one you have the most of. If you have three pumpkins with the hole on the left and two with the hole on the right, start with the left. I made that mistake and had to take them all off and start over again.

When stacking your pumpkins, alternate them so you get a staggering topsy-turvy look.

Then fill those bad boys up with some dirt.

Time to plant.

Grab those plants and start putting them where you think they look best.

I put purple and red plants in the bottom of the large pot so that would fill in and sprawl out as they grew. I wanted it to have an overgrown look to it. The Haunted Mansion was my inspiration for this project. I wanted something that looked creepy, overgrown but still awesome and not like weeds.

Fill in your plants as thick as you want them, or leave space for them to grow and fill in throughout the season.

Next up… MUMS!!

I absolutely love mums. Every Fall I swear to myself that I am going to get some and I never do. Well, guess what?? I got them this year!

I planted 5 red mums into my pumpkins, sticking with that same color scheme I had with the other plants.

And Voila!! You now have a finished DIY floral pumpkin topiary. And it didn’t even take that long.

You can stop here, or keep going like I did…

Get those other three pots, fill them up with some dirt, plant your extra plants and you have completed your very own DIY outdoor Fall décor.

Enjoy Your DIY Floral Pumpkin Topiary

Plant Ideas

Don’t forget to pin it for later!!

If you are looking for some more cool stuff to make, try these posts here… DIY mini fairy garden wreath, or this one to build your own garden bed!

If you have any ideas or are wondering how to make something, leave me a comment and let me know! I would love to figure things out for you. I love to make things so I am up for trying pretty much anything.

Until next time,

Let's talk about stuff!