Get to Know Me!

Hi there!! I’m Tami, blogger, crafter, and personal chef… well for my family anyway. I am an extremely awkward introvert, which basically means that I not only have endless awkward encounters, but I frequently find myself dwelling on those embarrassing encounters in the middle of the night…. For years to come. It’s a talent really. I started blogging so I would be able to share all of my crazy misadventures with all you awesome people. Hopefully we can all learn something from each other.

So why did I pick Ragtag Journey as my blog name? I am so glad you asked! As I thought about what to name this place that I would share my stories and ideas, I thought about what kind of blog I wanted it to be. I knew I wanted it to be something like myself, eclectic, random and a bit of this and that – hence the first word, “Ragtag”. Ragtag literally means, eclectic, assorted and miscellaneous. From there, the word “Journey” kept popping into my head. I mean, life is nothing but a journey anyway right? I knew then that Ragtag Journey was the perfect name for this crazy adventure I was about to go on. I hope you will come with me!!

You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.


A few random (and probably not needed) facts about yours truly!

  • I am a true Aquarius
  • I tend to lose myself in whatever I am doing
  • I have a lot of celebrity squishes. For those of you that don’t know, a “squish” is a platonic crush on someone, you want to be their best friend. Mine include, every member of BTS, Sandra Bullock, Demi Lovato, Cameron Philip, Brad Mondo, Jennifer Lawrence, among others…
  • My personality type is INFJ- the rarest type. If you haven’t tried the Myers-Briggs test, you should. Mine was scary accurate.
  • I am crazy empathetic. If I’m around too may people for too long, stick a fork in me, I’m done. I get SO drained!
  • I love singing! Even though I am too embarrassed to actually do it in front of anyone. I am a pro shower artist though! Disclaimer: Don’t dance in the shower… it’s dangerous. Trust me.
  • I went to performing arts schools for elementary and middle school, and took every music class I could in high school.
  • I went to elementary and middle school with Jason Derulo.
  • I am very crafty. I try to make as much as possible.
  • Most days when I cook, it is like “Chopped – Home Edition”!! I don’t plan or shop for anything. I open the fridge, see what I have, and come up with something *mostly* delicious!!
  • I am a sucker for an amazing bass voice. Just me?
  • I am a Disney addict.
  • I am addicted to K, C and J dramas.
  • I love Hallmark movies. Yes, every story has the same plot. Yes, they always end up together in the end. Yes, the characters are basically the same. I love that about them. They are dependable. They never let me down. How many people can you say that about??
  • My guilty pleasure? 90’s teen movies all the way!
  • I am majorly forgetful.
  • I love to read. My dream as a little girl was to grow up and have Belle’s library. Not the prince, the library. Although……
  • I love reading, talking about or thinking about abstract ideas. I love when something makes me think. Magic, conspiracy theories, astrology, personality types, life… anything thought provoking.