How to Look Like a Disney Princess
I’m not sure about anybody else, but I spent most of my childhood wanting to be a Disney princess. Maybe not just my childhood… OK! I still want to be a Disney princess. Which leads me to my question of the day… How can I look like a Disney princess?
My Love For Disney
First of all, someone might wonder why an adult, like myself, would want to look like a Disney princess. Well, simply put, because I love Disney and you can’t tell me what to do.
I have always loved Disney. My grandparents worked there and I grew up in Florida, so most of my childhood was spent going to Disney for any possible reason.
For those of you that have been there, you know what I mean when I say there is nothing quite like Disney World. You are instantly transported to another time and place the moment you drive past that welcome sign.
Just thinking about it makes me want to go book a trip………
Back to what I was saying, why would I want to look like a Disney princess? I decided that I wanted to take my love for everything Disney and try to come up with some everyday outfits that were inspired by different Disney characters.
My Disney obsession led me to want to look like different Disney characters.
Let’s face it, I’m a character myself, so just being the same old person day after day is boring to me. I want to dress up, changing my look up every once in a while.
I didn’t want to cosplay every day though.
Don’t get me wrong, I think cosplay is an awesome thing and I am super impressed by all the amazing outfits and costumes that are put together.
For me personally though, I wanted to find a way to look like a Disney character without dressing up in an actual costume.
Thus I stumbled across something called Disneybounding.
So what is it?
Basically, you dress up in everyday clothes that have the some colors or styles inspired by a certain Disney character.
Your outfit is more reminiscent of a character, rather than full-on costume mode.
There is an actual Disneybound website that I found. It has offered up a lot of inspiration for me.
So I decided I would create my own Disney character inspire outfits.
This post is all about how to look like a Disney princess, without dressing up like an actual Disney princess.
How I Create My Outfits
When I started making outfits inspired by Disney characters, this was many years ago on a website called Polyvore.
I may be showing my age a little bit, but if you never got to try it out, it was this awesome site that let you create outfits from different clothing pieces from around the web. You could also click on each piece and be taken to the site it was from to buy it.
When Polyvore went down, I was so sad.
However, I recently found another site that is very similar. And the best thing about it is that if you can’t quite find the piece you are looking for to create the perfect look… you can add it yourself! There is an extension that lets you clip items from other websites and add them to this one. It’s pretty awesome.
The site it called Shoplook.
It isn’t just an awesome site to create outfits though, it also seems to be a bit of a social media platform. You can like other peoples outfits and comment on them. There are also little contests that you can take part in. It’s pretty cool and easy to use.
How to Look Like a Disney Princess
I looked up a list of the most popular Disney princesses and decided to make my first few outfits.
Below are the ones I picked.
Don’t worry, if your favorite princess isn’t on this list, I will be making many more. Let me know who you would love to see, and I will make an inspired outfit just for you!
And the best thing about these outfits?
You can actually shop the looks that I have created.
I tried to make each look as budget friendly as possible. As much as I would love to be an actual Disney princess, I’m more of a street rat, so budget friendly is the way to go!
Let’s get started before I ramble on too much…
First up, we have Rapunzel. I wanted the look to be a bit carefree like she is.
Slightly innocent and girly, but can still kick butt if need be.
You can wear this out shopping, or to just hang out with the girls.
Go grab some coffee!
Next, we have a Cinderella inspired look.
I absolutely love this look, and will probably be buying at least some of these items for myself.
As I thought about what Cinderella would probably look like if she were living today, this is what kept popping into my head.
I stuck with the same color palette, but changed up the order and style just a little bit.
The ice queen. I had to stick with the first color palette that Elsa showed us.
It was such an immediate classic look, so I decided to stick with the same blue.
I did want to change it up a bit though from the whole dress thing she had going on.
I figure if Elsa were in college, this is how she would look.
My favorite Disney princess. It probably has something to do with her obsession with reading. I am quite the bookworm myself, so it was always easy to see myself becoming Belle (I wish).
I wasn’t sure which outfit I wanted to transform into an everyday look, so I decided to go with both of them.
Each one I tried to make something that you could wear any day and anywhere.
Something casual, with a nod to one of the best Disney princesses.
Here is another Disney princess that is close to my heart.
Why? We were both “born” the same year.
When I thought what Ariel would be like if she were to walk among us right now, she gave me a very beachy/boho kind of vibe. I wonder why?
Put on some neutral makeup, if you wear any, and you have completed my idea of what Ariel would look like.
Snow White
The next look we have if you want to look like a Disney princess is the classic Snow White.
Being the very first Disney princess, I feel like she holds a special place in everyone’s heart.
While creating this outfit, I felt like this one should be rather simple. She always came across as a very chill kind of person.
Maybe it’s because she left her castle and lived in a hut in the woods. Not by choice, but she didn’t really complain either.
Either way, I didn’t think she would be too into frills or being too extra.
With Tiana, I decided to go with something comfy that is easy to move around in, but still cute.
You can’t be an independent working girl if you can’t move in your clothes.
With the nails, I saw the stars and knew I had to include them… Evangeline anyone?
Simple, natural and cute. No need to be extra, but still classy.
If you want to look like Jasmine, I feel like you need to wear something pretty flowy, and a matched set.
I tried to figure out what Jasmine might wear if she were hanging out with friends, or going on a trip with the girls.
This would look great anywhere from the beach, to lounging around or hanging out. Its up to you.
Yes, I know that Jane isn’t technically a Disney princess… but Tarzan was pretty much the king of the jungle, so that kind of makes her one… at least in my head.
Basically, I saw this skirt and just knew that I had to make a Jane inspired outfit. It just fit so perfectly!
This is another one of those outfits that I love. Hopefully I’ll be able to get all the pieces of it so I can wear it myself.

That’s it for my ideas on how to look like a Disney princess.
Basically, find things that inspire you. Add some little touches that remind you of whatever Disney princess you like, and have some fun.
The best thing about fashion is that if you like it, you can rock it!!
If there was a Disney princess or any Disney character I missed that you want to see, let me know!
If you wear any of these outfits, take a pic and mention me on Instagram @ragtagjourney. I would love to see it!
Also, don’t forget to follow me while you are there.
That’s it for today.
Until next time,

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