how to plan a vegetable garden, square foot garden

My Experience Planning a Vegetable Garden

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to have a garden. A flower garden, fruits and veggies, it didn’t matter. I just wanted to grow something. And over the years, I grew a few things here and there, but I never really had a “garden”.

Vegetable Garden

Well my dearest readers, the time has come! I am starting a garden! I can’t even explain how excited I am. Although some people probably think I may be crazy because I’m just giving myself more work. Oh well. Let’s do it! Lets plan a vegetable garden!

So I will be writing different posts about this vegetable garden experiment that I am about to start. Stick around if you are as curious as I am about how this is going to turn out.

planning a vegetable garden

Vegetable Garden Steps

1: I need a couple raised garden beds.

2: Plant some stuff

3: Reap the fruits of my labor…. Get it? It’s a fruit and veggie garden.

Now, for actually planning the vegetable garden…

Planning a Vegetable Garden

So first things first, I had to decide how much space I had and what I wanted to plant.

I did a little research and saw that you shouldn’t have a raised garden bed wider than 4 feet, or it may get a little hard trying to get your veggies from the middle. So, I decided to make my beds 3X5 feet.

It gave me enough room to grow a good amount of stuff, plus it wouldn’t take up much space in the yard.

I then made a sketch of what I wanted to plant and planned out where I would plant them in the beds. I went with a square foot garden approach. It lets me plant more in a smaller amount of space.

Plus, having sections for everything in the garden really calms my neurotic side. I can be a bit OCD about the most random things.

Planning A Vegetable Garden – April 2020 – 1st Attempt

I also tried to figure out companion plants for what I wanted to grow, as well as what shouldn’t be planted together. I did a ton of research, so I hope I did everything right. We will find out together!!

Plan Your Own Vegetable Garden

If you want to plan your own vegetable garden, there are a couple sites that you can use. I did mine in Canva.

If that one isn’t for you, you can try Kitchen Garden Planner or myGarden Planner. Each one is easy to use and free. Give them a try and see which one you like the best.

If you have any tips, tricks, or ideas, let me know in the comments below. Or if you have any questions, go ahead and ask and I will do my best to get you the right answer to your problem.

my experience planning a vegetable garden pinterest

The next step on this journey is to design and make the raised garden beds. That will be coming up next so stay tuned…

Let's talk about stuff!