Top 5 Easiest Houseplants For Beginners
If you want to green up your space, but you don’t know where to start, this list is for you. These are the top 5 easiest houseplants for beginners. If you are just starting out, or if you scare even fake plants, these will be your best friend! Give them a try, I’m sure you’ll be living in a lush green space in no time. Picking Houseplants What makes a houseplant easy to take care of? Plants in general all have certain things that they need to survive. Soil, light and water are the basics. So what would make a plant easier to take care of than some others? Well,…
20 Simple (But Important) ’90s Fashion Items That Are Beyond Fierce
Ahh, the ’90s. a simple and nostalgic time, for some of us. The time of MMMBop, the Walkman, watching Friends, Boy Meets World, and the battle between Backstreet Boys and N’SYNC. And of course, we can’t forget the amazing 90’s fashion! Some of the items that we witnessed back then should probably just stay in the ’90s. However… there were some serious trends back then that we can still bring back today and look fierce! Tie-dye ’90s Tie Dye Fashion by Ragtagjourney Pretty much everything was tie-dyed in the ’90s. If you couldn’t go out and buy something tie-dyed, you did it yourself. I remember doing a lot of DIY…
This Is The Undeniably Best Superpower: A Rant
Who is to say what the undeniably best superpower is? Well, I’m here to throw my opinion into the ring. For some reason, I have always pondered the question, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Maybe it’s because I love fantasy. It’s my favorite book genre. I also love superhero movies. If I had to pick a favorite between DC and Marvel… it would be Marvel. That’s a rant for another post though. But liking these things makes you wonder about abilities and superpowers. How amazing would it be if they were real? And on top of that, which one would you want to have if…
Why People Feel The Need To Shame Others For Trying To Get Healthy
And today’s question of the day is… Why do people feel the need to shame others for trying to get healthy? Why has body-shaming become so widely accepted? Here are my thoughts on this matter. I am all for self-love. People are all different shapes and sizes and we should love ourselves no matter what we look like, where we come from, all of that. For this particular topic, I’ll be focusing on the different sizes of people, because that was the rant that I went on today when talking about this with other people. And that led me to decide to share my opinion online, because why not right?…
This Existential Crisis Is Getting To Me…
Let’s talk about my existential crisis today. Although, crisis might be too strong of a word. This is a short post today, and not like the other things I have been posting, but I figured someone might find this thought process of mine interesting. Ok, so from time to time, I have some really random and weird thoughts… usually in the shower, but that’s another story. So this particular day, I was wishing I could go back in time and live my life all over again. But not from scratch. I wish I could go back to like 5 years old, and keep all of my memories and knowledge and…
10 Stunning Air Purifying Plants That Are 100% Instagram-Worthy
We’ve all seen them. Scrolling through Instagram, fawning over this person’s bedroom and that person’s living room. And we wish we could make our house look like theirs. Well, now you can get one step closer with these 10 stunning air purifying plants that look absolutely amazing in any home décor! NASA Study In 1989, NASA conducted a study involving plants in closed-off spaces. They wanted to see which plants could effectively purify the air of different chemicals. From that study, a list of 12 plants was tested to see what their benefits to the surrounding environment would be. They got some pretty good results. I won’t go into too…
Epic DIY Faux Terrarium In Under 10 Minutes
What Is A Faux Terrarium You may be asking yourself, “How do I make a DIY faux terrarium?” And thus have found yourself here… Or you may be asking yourself, “What exactly is a faux terrarium?” Also a valid question. A faux terrarium is just what you would expect…. A terrarium, that is faux, or artificial. Mind blown, I know. To break it down further, a terrarium is essentially a container of some sort that has layers of dirt, rocks and plant life inside. You can use them to create a mini garden if you don’t have space for a regular garden. They are especially good for apartments, condos, or…
How Do You Make Genuine Friends As An Adult
You may be asking yourself, “How do you make friends as an adult?” Honestly, that’s probably why you are here, based on the title of this post. I actually thought that I was one of the only adults with this issue. I blamed it on my introversion, or the fact that I am a stay-at-home mom or my complete social anxiety… which let’s be honest, it’s probably all of those things. I was a bit surprised though to find that apparently, this is a bigger issue than I thought it was. More and more adults struggle to find and make friends. Where do you start? Who do you talk to?…
3 Skincare Products I Can’t Live Without
If you are anything like me, there are certain things that you struggle with. Finding great skincare products is one of them. So I thought I would let you know about the 3 skincare products I can’t live without. My Skincare Journey Growing up, I never really paid much attention to skincare. I had acne through middle and high school. I tried different things to fix it, but it seemed like nothing would ever work. My mom spent hundreds on different products to try and help my poor blemished face. I’ll give you a hint… it didn’t help. Of course, part of that could have been my lack of motivation…
How To Look Like A Disney Villain
If you are anything like me, you are quite fond of at least some of the Disney Villains. There is something about them that just makes them likable. So to go along with my post about how to look like a Disney princess, I decided to think about how to look like a Disney villain. Disney Villain Style The styles for these are a bit more edgy, some of them at least. But we are talking about villains here. You have to have a bit of an edge. I think I have a good mix of villains here, but if I missed someone, let me know and I will add…