• Lookbook

    How to Look Like a Disney Princess

    I’m not sure about anybody else, but I spent most of my childhood wanting to be a Disney princess. Maybe not just my childhood… OK! I still want to be a Disney princess. Which leads me to my question of the day… How can I look like a Disney princess? My Love For Disney First of all, someone might wonder why an adult, like myself, would want to look like a Disney princess. Well, simply put, because I love Disney and you can’t tell me what to do. I have always loved Disney. My grandparents worked there and I grew up in Florida, so most of my childhood was spent…

  • Shopping

    11 Best Online Stores For Accessories

    I don’t know about you but I am always looking for a good deal. So I had the idea to make this list of what I believe are the best online stores for accessories. That way, you can look great, and save some money! Online Shopping At the time of writing this post, COVID-19 is still hanging around like that unwanted guest that refuses to leave, no matter how awkward things get and how many hints are dropped. Going out for a day of shopping isn’t really that safe anymore. Sure, you may come back with a cute outfit, but that might not be the only thing you come back…

  • DIY

    Quick Guide: Hand-painted Boho Feathers

    Hand-painted Boho Feathers You may be asking yourself, what led this person to making hand-painted boho feathers. And if not, well… you are now. So, let me tell you… As I was making dreamcatchers, I decided I wanted to try to spice up the decorations a little bit, so I tried thinking of something that I could do to make things a little different. I started looking for inspiration online. Nothing was really hitting me, and then I saw a watercolor painting of feathers. It was simple but beautiful. There were chevron designs painted on them, some had dots, and they were all different colors. I started to wonder if…

  • Garden

    Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Raised Garden Bed

    Welcome to another experiment by yours truly, building a raised garden bed. When I decided to start a garden, I knew I would also be building a raised garden bed. I don’t really have the space to plant things in the ground, plus when I decided on this little adventure, I had a large and adorable, yet slightly destructive dog. So planting in the ground wasn’t really an option. I looked at some raised garden bed kits, and although it would have been easier and less time consuming, I am not rolling in money unfortunately. I had to find a way to build a raised garden bed without breaking the…

  • Need to know what to do while you are alone? This Introvert's guide to being alone is what you need.
    Self Care

    An Introvert’s Top 10 Things to do When you Are Alone

    We all love hanging out with our friends and family, but sometimes we find ourselves with, well… ourselves. What do you do then? What kind of stuff is there to do when you find yourself alone? Keep reading to see an introvert’s top 10 things to do when you are alone. A lot of the things we do as a group, or with other people aren’t really fun when you are alone. Aside from solitaire, I don’t know of many other games that are fun alone, either. So what kinds of things are there to do? Luckily, I am a very skilled introvert that actually loves my alone time. I…

  • music for workouts, best songs to workout to, workout motivation

    List of the Best Songs to Workout To

    So here we are again, together for another list of songs. This time, I thought I would make a list of the best songs to workout to. I know when I am working out, the songs are really important. If I’m in the middle of my workout and I am starting to get tired, the best thing to keep me going is some of my favorite songs, especially ones that make me feel BA. Use BPM to amp up Your Workout There has been a lot of research into the effect of music on different things, working out being one of them. There are actually certain BPMs (beats per minute)…

  • The Ultimate List of Songs By Emotion

    Ultimate List of Songs By Emotion

    You may be asking yourself, why would I want to create the ultimate list of songs by emotion? Well, for anybody that doesn’t know, music is life for me. I use it for everything. Anything I do, I have music going. If I need to express an emotion, but I don’t have the words, I use music. If I am just way too into my feelings at the moment, I listen to music. Music is everything for me. Which is probably because I went to performing arts schools growing up and fell in love with music from a young age. I wanted to be a singer when I was younger……

  • easy meal ideas, lazy meals, cooking when you don't feel like cooking

    8 Easy Meals for Lazy Days

    What is the worst thing about having a lazy day? Needing to cook. I like to cook just as much as the next person, but sometimes I need to skip making a full 8-course meal because I am just having a bit of a lazy day. (No I don’t make multiple courses when I cook… I just thought it would help make my point.) So… I thought I would make a list of 8 easy meals for lazy days. For those of you, like me, that sometimes need to just throw something together really fast. Crock-Pot VS Instant Pot The key to a good meal for lazy days is a…

  • music for studying, concentration, focus, calm

    The Best Music for Studying And Concentration

    Why would you need a list of the best music to listen to for studying and concentration? Well, have you ever needed to study or get some work done, but you just couldn’t get yourself in gear? Everything distracted you. You have a paper due the next day, but suddenly your giant stack of books has to be alphabetized right that moment instead? Or you have a crazy amount of homework, but your room really needs the furniture rearranged again. I may have a little something that can help you to focus on what you actually need to be doing. Now, you will still need a little bit of discipline…

  • Self Care

    13 Foolproof Ways to Squash a Bad Day

    How do you know if you need this list of 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day? Have you ever had such a terrible day that you just wished there was something you could do to change it? No one likes having a bad day. Although it does make the good days even better. That isn’t what we are talking about today though. 13 Ways to Squash a Bad Day I have 13 foolproof ways to squash a bad day! That’s right, 13 tips and tricks to turn that frown upside down. Music And we are off, the first on this list of 13 foolproof ways to squash a…