Quick And Easy DIY Floral Curiosity Cloche

Ever since I saw a floral curiosity cloche at Anthropologie, I became obsessed. I just couldn’t spend the amount of money they wanted for one. Thus, my challenge began: how to make a quick and easy DIY floral curiosity cloche. This is what I came up with.

diy, butterfly, witch, wiccan, fairy garden, floral, cloche, curiosity

What Is A Cloche Used For?

Originally, a cloche was used to cover plants in the garden outdoors. It protected them from the elements while they were starting to establish themselves.

Eventually, those cloche’s came inside and started to have some other uses.

Today, a cloche can be used for multiple things. They are most commonly used as a décor item. You can fill them with anything from fruit, to flowers, to even insect taxidermy. For real, it’s a thing. You can see some pretty cool ones on Etsy right here, here, and here.

Floral Curiosity Cloche

Today, I’ll show you how to make a DIY floral curiosity cloche. This will be a cloche, filled with different types of floral. You can use whatever you have lying around from other projects, or go and buy specific flowers if you want.

The design is completely up to you. If you wanted, you can use real, dried flowers to create a dried flower cloche. You could use wooden sola flowers or flowers made from paper. I used a mix of both real dried floral, and fake flowers from Michaels and Joann’s.

There aren’t really any specific “floral cloche flowers”. You just find anything that strikes your fancy and go with it. As long as it will fit inside of your cloche, give it a try and see if you like how it looks.

Supplies List

Here’s What You Need To Make Your DIY Floral Curiosity Cloche

-Cloche (any size or type)

-Floral Foam


-Floral (dried or fake)

-E6000 Glue

-Hot Glue


-Extra Bits and Bobs


Step 1

First, grab a piece of floral foam and put a chunk on your base. It doesn’t have to be perfect. The foam will give the moss a bit of dimension later so things don’t look so flat. It will also give your sticks a floral a place to hold on to. Cut it down so it looks like a little mound. Make sure it will fit inside of the cloche dome when it is placed on top.

After you have it cut to perfection, glue that sucker down with some E6000. You don’t want that thing moving for anything.

Step 2

Next, grab some sticks. Different shapes, sizes, all that, and shove them into that foam in different places.

I just collected some sticks from around my yard and neighborhood. If you can’t find any sticks for whatever reason, you can usually find some at the craft store for a pretty good price. Don’t forget a coupon!

Always make sure that after each step, you place the cloche dome on top of the base to make sure that whatever you are putting inside of it actually fits. Always, Always, ALWAYS check. You don’t want to get most of the way done and then realize you have to take the entire thing apart because something is too tall or sticks out too far. Trust me.

Step 3

At this point, I grabbed some tiny flowers that I had and glued them on the ends of some of the twigs that were sticking out. I wanted to have a variety of not only the types of floral I was putting in my cloche, but different heights also. Nature doesn’t just stick flowers on the floor, and they aren’t always the same height.

Try to mirror this in your floral curiosity cloche. That way, things look a bit more natural. And they look like they are supposed to be there.

Step 4

After that, I grabbed 2 fern leaves that I had, but you can use any type of greenery, and I added them to the middle of the arrangement. I wanted to add a bit of height. Make sure you glue them down. You don’t want things moving after you put them right where you want them.

Step 5

Next up, we need to fill in the bottom part with flowers. Whatever kind you like, and however many you like. I try to do things in odd numbers because I find it looks better than even numbers most of the time.

Just add some flowers, then stop, step back and take a look. If you like it, great! If not, take it out and try again.

Don’t forget to put the cloche dome on every once in a while to make sure everything is staying inside.

Step 6

Once you have all of your floral inside of your cloche, it’s time to cover the foam with moss. Put down some glue and lay down different pieces of moss until the entire bottom is covered.

I kept all of the moss inside the cloche dome, however, I have seen somewhere the moss trails outside of the cloche and it looked really pretty. Just keep in mind, moss is messy and it will leave a mess wherever it is. So if you decide to leave moss outside of the cloche dome, I would make sure your entire floral curiosity cloche is somewhere out of the way and doesn’t get moved around a lot.

Step 7

You can stop at the last step, or you can go a step further and add something a little extra to your DIY floral curiosity cloche.

I took one of my spread butterflies that I have and decided to add it to one of the sticks that was sticking up in the middle of the floral cloche.

You can do the same. If you don’t have a real butterfly that you can put inside, you can print one off of the computer. Just know that the other side will be a blank piece of paper. Or you can buy a butterfly cutout that looks really pretty. I found some at Joann’s that might work for something like this.

Don’t forget to pin it for later!!

And there you have it. Not only did you learn what a cloche was, but you learned how to make a super quick and easy DIY floral curiosity cloche. It can be a dried floral cloche or one with fake flowers. You can even make one with no flowers at all.

These make great gifts for people who like things that are a little bit different and odd. You can even tailor it to a specific person. I personally love making these, and I will most definitely be making more soon!

Keep a look out for them on my Instagram and TikTok @ragtagjourney.

And if you make one, please let me know. Tag me on one of my social media accounts. I would love to see it and talk to you about it. Let me know if you have any questions also. I don’t have many people to talk to, so I’m looking for some good conversation.

If you are looking for some more cool stuff to make, try these posts here… learn to create a mini fairy garden wreath, or create an epic terrarium in under 10 minutes!

Until next time,

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