Why People Feel The Need To Shame Others For Trying To Get Healthy
And today’s question of the day is… Why do people feel the need to shame others for trying to get healthy? Why has body-shaming become so widely accepted?
Here are my thoughts on this matter.
I am all for self-love. People are all different shapes and sizes and we should love ourselves no matter what we look like, where we come from, all of that.
For this particular topic, I’ll be focusing on the different sizes of people, because that was the rant that I went on today when talking about this with other people. And that led me to decide to share my opinion online, because why not right?
So I was talking to my husband and I happened to ask him if he had seen Rebel Wilson lately. He told me he had and she had gotten pretty thin.
Then I said, “I wonder how much hate she is getting now,” which then immediately made me wonder why that was the first thing I thought of, and it honestly made me really upset.
Why did I go from being really happy for her and cheering her on to immediately thinking about trolls online hating on her and being rude? And honestly, I don’t even know if she is getting hate because I try not to feed into that kind of stuff. But the fact that I even had the question bothered me.
This celebrity body shaming has gotten crazy.
I remember when Adele started trying to become healthier and people lost their minds. The same for Jonah Hill.
What is it that makes us as a society think it’s ok to determine what other people are and aren’t allowed to do to their bodies?
Why does some random person that has no investment what-so-ever in another person’s life think they have a right to be angry that they are losing weight? I don’t get it.
I read different things that some people have said about different celebrities that lost weight. I’ve seen things like “traitor”. Are we serious right now? A traitor of what?

If someone decides to lose weight, for whatever reason, even if it is something superficial… it’s their lives and their bodies.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think that anyone should feel the need to change who they are for anyone. Whether it be a group of people or an individual. Only change who you are if that is what you want yourself. Do not take someone else’s opinion into it… unless it’s a doctor and it’s for your health… then definitely listen to your doctor.
And another thing… why can’t someone congratulate another person on losing weight? If a celebrity, for example, is going through all of that hard work, day in and day out, dieting and exercising and whatever else they are doing… shouldn’t we acknowledge that?
They put in a ton of work. It doesn’t take away from who they were in the past or anything else they accomplished… its just something new that they did so why can’t we give them a “yay”?
I don’t know. It has to be so hard to be a celebrity. Going through something as sensitive as weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle is hard enough as it is. But then to do it in front of the entire world and have to deal with the opinions of everyone… that has to be terrible.
Let’s stop body-shaming celebrities when they try to just be themselves and live their own lives.

I say, if you want to lose weight and be healthy, go for it.
If you want to eat a double bacon cheeseburger with fries, go for it.
You do you, kid.
Live your life.
It is yours and yours alone. Nobody can live this life but you. Make the most out of it.
If you like listening to my random rants, here is one about my existential crisis in the shower… I told you it was random.
But what do you think about this? What is your opinion on people shaming celebrities for trying to get fit?
I’d love to know what you think.
But of course remember, even if you have a difference of opinion, stay civil. We all have a right to what we believe. You don’t have to agree, that’s what makes life interesting. Don’t be rude to anyone though. Be kind.
Until next time,

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