music for studying, concentration, focus, calm

The Best Music for Studying And Concentration

Why would you need a list of the best music to listen to for studying and concentration?

Well, have you ever needed to study or get some work done, but you just couldn’t get yourself in gear?

Everything distracted you.

You have a paper due the next day, but suddenly your giant stack of books has to be alphabetized right that moment instead?

Or you have a crazy amount of homework, but your room really needs the furniture rearranged again.

I may have a little something that can help you to focus on what you actually need to be doing.

Now, you will still need a little bit of discipline to actually sit down and get started. Once you do get into that seat though, this little trick should help you get to where you need to be… and it isn’t organizing your shoes again…

Concentrate With Music

My trick for focusing on your work is… music.

Music tends to be something I talk about a lot. I love music and I can’t help but want to share that love with everyone else.

I really believe there is a song for every emotion or task. If you don’t believe me, check out my ultimate list of songs by emotion.

In today’s post, I wanted to get a little more specific for those of you that need more chill music. So I wanted to create a list of music to listen to when you need to study.

relaxing, reading, concentrating, studying

I know that anytime I needed to study, or write, I have on very specific types of music. It helps me to focus and I feel way more productive.

Each person is different though, so I wanted to make a list of a few different things.

If you don’t know what to listen to, go through the list and try a few different types of music out. I am confident you will find one that will take you to that next level of study master.

So here goes, my list of the best music to listen to for studying and concentration.. Lets go!

The Best Music for Studying and Concentration

Let's Get To Studying!

Ambient Mixer

The first one is a website and a mobile app. So you can listen on your phone or computer. I use this one quite a lot when I am writing my novel. It is perfect if you need to get into a specific type of mood for something. This place has sound effects, different atmospheric noises and sounds, as well as just regular relaxing music. There are all kinds of different categories of things you can listen to.

You can listen to things around your home, or travel to a Japanese garden to listen to serene sounds there. Or you can hang out in the Slytherin common room to study. Pretty much any environment you can think of, there is a track for it here. It is really amazing for those of you that just need a bit of background noise to study. Some sort of movement because it is a bit too quiet where you are.

Or if you are writing a fight scene in a book between two pirates, you can pull up a track of a pirate ship battle. I'm telling you, this is the perfect site for studying or writing something very specific.

I believe you can also make your own tracks on this site, so if you are wanting something even more specific than you can find, you can make it!

Lo-Fi Music

This is one that I only recently stumbled across. I had heard of it from people, but I never really listened to it myself. It has a bit of a DIY feel to it, meaning it kind of sounds like something someone could have put together in a home studio or something. You can hear different sounds in lo-fi music that you wouldn't hear in a "professional" recording. However, that is kind of the point of lo-fi music.

It is instrumental music of different types, kind of mixed up together. There is jazz, hip hop, soft rock, indie, among others. This music is perfect for someone looking for something to listen to that isn't distracting. There aren't any words, and the beats are consistent enough to keep you focused on what you are doing while still giving you white noise in the background.

You can find numerous playlists on Youtube.

Nature Sounds

Sometimes you don't really need music so much, as you actually just need something to drown out the noise around you. Some people can't focus with music playing. In that case, I would suggest playing something with nature sounds. It could be just the sound of a waterfall, or it could have the sounds of birds chirping, or a fire crackling. Anything that you can play to put yourself into a kind of "auditory cocoon".

There are free apps that offer different nature sounds. I know of one called Nature Space. It has 4.3 stars and over 50K downloads. Maybe give that one a try?

If you don't want to download anything, of course you can always search through Youtube. That is honestly where I listen to 90% of my music.

Instrumental Music

This may be a given, but words can be distracting. The last thing you need while you are trying to write a paper is your favorite song coming on, and now you are typing the lyrics to the song instead of what you were actually trying to say. Now, could that actually happen? I don't know. I do know that if my favorite song comes on though, I am not paying attention to what I was doing anymore, and chances are, I'm not even in my seat anymore. I'm dancing around singing, so that kind of hinders a study session.

So after all that, my point here is to listen to music that doesn't have any words. You can listen to instrumentals of your favorite songs or artists, but listen to versions that don't have any words. You may still sing along though, so keep that in mind.

You can also just look up instrumentals for whatever specific genre you like. That would work too, that way it’s a genre you like to listen to, but maybe not something you know the words to so you won't be tempted to sing along.

Movie Soundtracks

With this category, you still want to make sure you are listening to instrumental songs. You don't want to have those distracting words. The best playlist, or artist I have found for this is Hans Zimmer. He has written music for some of the  best known movies. His songs can really get
you into a productive mindset too.

Some of the movies he has worked on have been The Lion King, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Pirates of The Caribbean, Inception, and Gladiator. There are a bunch of others, but that just goes to show what kind of music you would be listening to. I listen to his playlists a lot while I am writing and it really gets that focus where it needs to be.

Video Game Music

Just like with listening to music from your favorite movies, listening to music from your favorite games can really help you focus. If you think about it, while you are gaming, you are usually pretty focused aren't you? So if you are looking for music to help you focus, this one would be a winner. You are already used to focusing while you listen to it, so it won't be that much different. The only thing different is what you are actually focusing on.

Video game music is actually pretty perfect for this job. It was designed to be in the background as it is so it doesn’t distract you from what you are doing in the game. It also is designed to motivate you to keep going. For those two things alone, I added it to this list of music to listen to when you need to study.

If you need any specific suggestions, you can always ask in the comment section below, and I would love to give you some ideas to try out.

Classical Music

Last, but not least, we have classical music. This one kind of seems like a no brainer to me, because I feel like this is the go to musical type for most people. Maybe it is just me, but I remember being in school and anytime there was a test or something where the classroom was silent and we needed something to drown out the deafening silence, my teachers always turned on classical music. I guess the reason so many people use it is because it is, well, classic.

There aren't words to distract you, and there are various different types of songs for every mood and feeling. And these songs are familiar enough that they can be played in the background as noise and not take away from the focus you need for a particular task.

I say if you have tried the other 6 types of music on this list and you still can't find something that works for you, give classical music a try. It may be just what you need to get that cognitive functioning going again.

List of music that is best for studying and concentration.

Well, that is all for my list today my darling readers. How did I do this time? Did I list what you use to help you focus? Or did I miss it? If I did, please let me know in the comments below, maybe I don’t know about it.

Also, if you need some help finding a more specific type, or you don’t know where to find something, just ask away in the comments section, I would love to try to find the perfect music for you.

Until next time.

Let's talk about stuff!