This Existential Crisis Is Getting To Me…
Let’s talk about my existential crisis today. Although, crisis might be too strong of a word.
This is a short post today, and not like the other things I have been posting, but I figured someone might find this thought process of mine interesting.
Ok, so from time to time, I have some really random and weird thoughts… usually in the shower, but that’s another story.
So this particular day, I was wishing I could go back in time and live my life all over again.
But not from scratch. I wish I could go back to like 5 years old, and keep all of my memories and knowledge and live my exact life all over again. And then change things as I go to see where I end up.
That thought led me to start thinking about past lives.
Which led me to thinking about what if we were to live the same life over and over again, Groundhog Day style.
Could you imagine? We live our lives, come to the end of it and then BAM! We are born again, but not into a different life, but the same one we just lived.
Maybe that’s why we have déjà vu? We have done all of this before. That’s why it seems so familiar and why it feels like we have done that exact thing before… because we have!
And maybe that is why sometimes when we meet someone, and they feel familiar. Like we have met them sometime before…
And what if we live this life over and over again until we get it right? Until we are successful, in whatever way we are supposed to be?
So maybe the people that are super successful in this life are on their last one?
Oh and what if the reason some people feel like they are missing someone or something in their life is because they are. Maybe the person they had in a past life isn’t around anymore because they lived their last life!
Could you imagine?

Well anyway… these are the things I think about.
What do you think? Could I be on to something? What are your thoughts about this?
Until next time,

Laura L Woodcock
I’ve thought about this same idea you’re speaking of myself. Sometimes I wonder if this might be purgatory and we’re stuck here until we get our life right. So many crazy thoughts tie into this idea…. oosh!
This is what the shower does to me I guess. It gives me crazy ideas. At least now I have a place to put them, and some people to read my craziness. But I’m telling you… it would be so crazy if it were true! And it would explain SO MUCH!